Medically-Based Performance Strength Training

The way you train can make all the difference.

Anchor PT offers in-person strength and performance-based programs for active individuals in the Seacost region.

This program is for anyone who is no longer experiencing pain and looking for a training program to help them safely return to higher level activities. This program can be scheduled as frequently or infrequently as you would like, and is customized based on your goals.

The typical frequency of these appointments would be 1x week for 4 weeks, every other week for 2 visits, and once a month for another 2 visits. From here we discuss an independent workout plan. I work closely with personal trainers in the area and transition many people to working with them moving forward to have a sustainable program that gets you the results you are looking for.

Goal-Oriented Training Program

For individuals who have a specific goal in mind, such as running their first 5K or working on staying injury free during ski season. We will spend time identifying restrictions in your movement to establish a custom exercise program that will evolve as you get closer to your goals.

Return to Sport Postpartum

Feel confident in getting back to your prior fitness levels with an individualized training program. After your 6 week clearance we will assess how your pelvic floor is performing, and address any common postpartum symptoms (low back pain, SPD, diastasis recti). We will then work on a home program that will systematically build your core and global strength back in a safe way.

Running Gait Analysis

For individuals who want their running form assessed through video gait analysis and full body movement screens. We provide you with corrective exercises and simple tips to help you improve your form, become a more efficient runner, and stay injury free. Not a runner? This is still a great option if you are thinking about starting a running program.